Senator Tester announces intent to introduce the groundbreaking Montana Headwaters Legacy Act

Today, Montana Senator Jon Tester held a press event to announce he will be introducing the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act into the U.S. Senate in November. The Montana Headwaters Legacy Act protects 336 miles of some of the wildest rivers in Montana as Wild and Scenic Rivers. This landmark bill is the culmination of a decade’s worth of outreach and collaboration by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and its partners to safeguard Montana’s free-flowing rivers for generations to come.

Starting left: Jennifer Drinkwalter with the Beartooth Recreational Trails Association, Charles Drimal with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, Senator Jon Tester (D-MT), Scott Bosse with American Rivers, and Jason Fluery with TroutChasers Lodge and Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana at the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act announcement event.

The Montana Headwaters Legacy Act is a homegrown bill that gives permanent protection to sections of iconic rivers such as the Madison, Gallatin, Yellowstone, Smith, and many more. These river segments are named Wild and Scenic under the bill, the highest form of river protection in the United States. The Montana Headwaters Legacy Act has support from across the state, including local elected officials, business owners, guides and outfitters, landowners, conservation advocates, and river recreators.

To a socially distanced crowd of supporters and press, Senator Tester expressed his commitment to preserving Montana’s rivers. To watch a recording of the event, click here.

The event featured speakers from around the state. Stories were told and inspiration was shared. At the end, one thing was clear: Montanans love their rivers and want to see them remain healthy and well-conserved.

A huge thank you to Senator Tester for once again championing the river conservation needs of Montanans. We also extend our gratitude to our partners at the Montanans for Healthy Rivers coalition for working on this bill with us for the past ten years. Finally, thank you to all those that have made their voice heard in support of the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act. You strengthen our efforts to protect Greater Yellowstone.

If you’d like to take action today, please call Senator Steven Daines and ask him to co-sponsor the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act. With his backing, this crucial conservation legislation will pass through Congress more swiftly. Senator Steve Daines - (202) 224-2651

Our rivers take care of us, so now it’s time to take care of them.


- Charles Drimal, Waters Conservation Coordinator


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