Blog and Stories

Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

New Crossings to Protect Migrations for One of Idaho’s Largest Mule Deer Herds

The Idaho Transportation Department recently secured $20.8 million in federal grant funding to build three wildlife underpasses at Rocky Point, a section of U.S. Highway 30 that has an unprecedented number wildlife-vehicle collisions every year. This funding will create safer conditions for drivers and allow one of Idaho’s largest mule deer herds to complete seasonal migrations. 

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Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

Restoring forest habitat for grizzly bears and other wildlife

GYC has partnered with the U.S. Forest Service to review all five national forests surrounding Yellowstone National Park with the goal of identifying and subsequently decommissioning illegal, unnecessary, or unsuccessfully closed roads and restoring the roadbeds back to a natural state. The roads are prioritized for restoration according to their potential to benefit grizzlies and other wildlife.

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Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

GYC installs bear bins in Idaho campground

As grizzly bears continue to thrive across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Greater Yellowstone Coalition works towards solutions to keep bears alive and people safe. This includes bear-proofing campgrounds throughout Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.

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