Blog and Stories
GYC, Tribes, and Conservation Partners Defend Yellowstone Bison Plan in Court
On February 24, 2025, the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes, GYC, and conservation partners, represented by Earthjustice, file a motion to intervene on behalf of Yellowstone National Park in their lawsuit with Montana.
Montana Files Frivolous Lawsuit Against Yellowstone National Park Over New Bison Management Plan
On December 31, 2024, the state of Montana filed a frivolous lawsuit against Yellowstone National Park over its recently adopted bison management plan.
Celebrating the conservation wins and favorite moments of 2023
Join us for a journey down memory lane and let’s celebrate all we did together for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
New York Times: ‘Saving Yellowstone for the Grizzlies’
The New York Times Monday captured our collective win of protecting Yellowstone National Park from the last viable gold mining threat along the park’s northern border.
GYC and supporters stop the mine on the northern border of Yellowstone National Park
On September 25, 2023, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition raised the $6.25 million needed to stop the mine on Crevice Mountain, just north of Yellowstone National Park. People from across the country and globe gave to stop this mine, proving once and for all that Yellowstone is more valuable than gold.
Guest column: Yellowstone will always be more valuable than gold
GYC Executive Director Scott Christensen’s writes for the Bozeman Daily Chronicle about stopping the gold mine just north of Yellowstone National Park.
GYC announces legacy campaign to stop gold mine on the border of Yellowstone
The Greater Yellowstone Coalition announces an ambitious campaign to buy out a mining company on the northern border of Yellowstone National Park. If successful, the effort would extinguish the last real and significant mining threat on the border of Yellowstone National Park, forever.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service begins status review of grizzly bears
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services announced the beginning of a 12-month status review of the health and viability of grizzly bear populations in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem. The review will contribute to the agency’s eventual determination of whether or not the populations warrant removal from the Endangered Species Act’s list of endangered and threatened wildlife.
GYC's biggest wins and favorite moments from 2022
Take a look back at the Greater Yellowstone conservation wins from 2022.
State, Feds announce new conservation partnership in Wyoming
The United States Department of Agriculture and the state of Wyoming formalized a new partnership to invest significant new resources and funding toward conserving habitat in the state’s most important big game migration corridors.
Wind River Inter-Tribal Gathering draws hundreds to discuss future of conservation within Yellowstone ecosystem
A recap of the Wind River Inter-Tribal Gathering on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming.
GYC celebrates the life of visionary co-founder Rick Reese
GYC honors Rick Reese, one of its visionary co-founders.