Blog and Stories

Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

Celebrating against destructive mining

As we all focus on staying healthy and safe with our loved ones, it’s important to remember the ecosystem, and the threats to it, continues to function. The Greater Yellowstone Coalition has been fighting inappropriate gold mines our entire existence. It’s in our DNA. GYC continues to work on new solutions to the persistent problems created by our nation’s antiquated laws that obligate hard rock mining as be “the highest and best use” of the land.

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Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

VICTORY! Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act signed into law by the president

Today, the president signed the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management and Recreation Act into the law of the land. Included in this sweeping, ground-breaking legislation was the Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act. Now and forever, 30,370 acres of public land on the northern doorstep of Yellowstone National Park will be protected from destructive and toxic gold mining.

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Emmy Reed Emmy Reed

Yellowstone bill clears House, Senate committees

A bill that will keep gold mining away from some 30,000 acres of our public lands at Yellowstone’s northern gateway has cleared two committee hurdles in both the House and the Senate in the past 10 days. This is great news! The Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act is now one step closer to becoming law after these hearings.

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