Blog and Stories
Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission votes to close wolf hunt in Southwestern Montana
The Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission votes to close wolf hunting and trapping in Region 3 of Southwest Montana for the remainder of the season once 82 wolves have been harvested from the area.
Inter-Tribal Gatherings aim to elevate Native voices
GYC will support the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes of the Wind River Reservation in gathering people online to commemorate the park’s anniversary while elevating the Tribal community’s voice in conserving and managing Yellowstone.
Yellowstone bison coexistence program celebrates ten years of reducing conflicts
GYC and the Yellowstone Bison Coexistence Program celebrate 10 years of helping landowners coexist with wild bison on the landscape outside Yellowstone National Park.
GYC celebrates the life of visionary co-founder Rick Reese
GYC honors Rick Reese, one of its visionary co-founders.
Montana Headwaters Legacy Act picks up more local government support
An update on new support for the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act.
New elk occupancy agreement conserves elk habitat in Montana
GYC and PERC have partnered to implement the first elk occupancy agreement in the northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.
New GYC strategic plan sets vision for next five years
Every three to five years, the GYC team collaborates and develops the vision and goals for the next chapter of our work, i.e., we write a new strategic plan. Check out our most recent strategic plan and what it means for our future efforts.
Range riding in Montana's wild Centennial Valley
A day in Montana’s Greater Yellowstone with the Centennial Valley Association range riders.
Keeping bears wild, people safe, and livelihoods in place in Greater Yellowstone
The Greater Yellowstone Coalition works hard to keep grizzlies wild, people safe, and livelihoods in place over the last 37 years. Check out what we’re focusing on now for grizzly bear conservation.
GYC and partners meet in Montana's Ruby Valley to talk restoration, coexistence, and resiliency
The Ruby Valley Strategic Alliance annual field tour brings together partners to discuss conservation in this corner of Greater Yellowstone.
Local community expresses overwhelming opposition to Kilgore Gold Exploration Project
An update on the fight against the Kilgore Gold Exploration Project in eastern Idaho.