Blog and Stories
Looking to the Past to Stop Cyanide Mining in Kilgore, Idaho
Modern gold mining often involves stripping hillsides, crushing rock into dust, and using cyanide solutions to extract gold from low-grade ore. Although this method of heap-leaching is economically efficient, it poses substantial environmental risks. Numerous catastrophic mining failures in the U.S. in recent decades offer a cautionary tale of what could go wrong if the financially unstable foreign mining company currently exploring for gold in the Centennial Mountains above Kilgore, Idaho are permitted to mine.
Supporting Wildlife and Agriculture on the Wind River Indian Reservation
This summer, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, in partnership with the Natural Resources Conservation Service, hosted the first of a series of meetings to bring information to producers on the reservation about programs that support agriculture and wildlife.
Bruins Protecting Bruins: GYC and Bear Awareness Gardiner Install Bear-Proof Trash Cans at Gardiner Public Schools
To prevent bears from coming onto campus and getting into garbage, GYC partnered with Bear Awareness Gardiner and Gardiner Public Schools to install bear-proof garbage containers on the school grounds. When used properly, bear-proof trash cans prevent bears from getting into garbage, which prevents them from getting in trouble and keeps them alive. It will also prevent close encounters with students, staff, and visitors.
Breaking News: Montana Headwaters Legacy Act Passes Committee, Full Senate Vote Next
On November 19, 2024, the Montana Headwaters Legacy Act passed the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee for the first time in its legislative history. This brings the made-in-Montana legislation one step closer to becoming law.
A Win for Wyoming Conservation: Kelly Parcel Sale to Grand Teton Approved
On November 7, 2024, the Wyoming State Board of Land Commissioners with a 3-2 vote approved the sale of the 640-acre Kelly Parcel to Grand Teton National Park. The $100 million sale will benefit Wyoming public schools and ensure this spectacular piece of land is public for Wyomingites and visitors to enjoy.
Advocating for Yellowstone Wolves: We’re Committed to Durable Solutions
Earlier this year, we saw continued progress for Yellowstone wolves in Montana with incremental, yet critically important changes to state policies. Yet, wolf conservation is undoubtedly riddled with challenges. Recent reports indicate five wolves were killed in WMU 313 just north of Yellowstone, despite this season’s three-wolf quota. GYC and our partners advocated for and secured a solution that we hoped would prevent this level of pack disruption, and unfortunately that was not the case. GYC is committed to building consensus for durable solutions that protect Yellowstone wolves.
Preventing Grizzly Bear Conflict with Innovative Solutions
Gallagher’s Corn Maze & Pumpkin Patch, a fun-filled fall destination and recent hot spot for grizzly bears, last month received electrified fencing to reduce conflicts on the property. The Greater Yellowstone Coalition in collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, USDA Wildlife Services, and Defenders of Wildlife, completed the 9,600-foot long, five-wire electrified fence to keep people and grizzlies safe.
Bolstering the Clean Kilgore Coalition to Fight a Toxic Mine in Southeast Idaho
A growing number of Idaho hunters, anglers, farmers, ranchers, outdoor recreationists, families, and conservationists have joined the Clean Kilgore Coalition to protect the precious water, land, wildlife, and outdoor heritage that Excellon’s toxic gold mine would threaten.
Grizzly Bear 399 Put a Spotlight on Conservation
As news spreads that Grizzly bear 399 was struck and killed by a vehicle this week in Wyoming, it’s worth pausing to recognize how a single bruin in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem made such an impact on how people connect with the species.
Reclaiming Tribal Lands at Muddy Ridge
Muddy Ridge is an expanse of undeveloped land in the northeast portion of the Wind River Indian Reservation removed from Tribal control in 1920 to create irrigation infrastructure for non-Tribal residents. GYC is working in lockstep with Tribal leadership from both the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapaho Tribes to advocate for the repatriation of Muddy Ridge and resolve this decades-old injustice.
Giving Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout a Boost in Montana
Yellowstone cutthroat trout once occupied habitat across Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and slivers of Nevada and Utah. Now, they are in steep competition with nonnative fish for habitat and resources. To help give the Yellowstone cutthroat trout a leg up, GYC staffers volunteered to work with partners to remove invasive brook trout from Mill Creek, a slow-moving stream near Yellowstone National Park’s northern border.
Installing Bear Bins in Greater Yellowstone to Help Keep People Safe and Grizzlies Wild
Grizzly bears are one of Greater Yellowstone’s most iconic species and a key component in a healthy ecosystem, but their wildness and human safety is put at risk by the bears’ penchant for getting into trash. This summer, GYC invested in various programs to implement bear-resistant storage solutions across the ecosystem, including at campgrounds, a school, and backcountry livestock allotments.