Episode 08 | The Bold Art of Yellowstone
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As Aristotle once said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” It is no secret that the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem inspires countless artists using every medium imaginable to create masterpieces depicting what this landscape means to them.
In Episode 08, we sit down with artist DG House in her studio in Bozeman, Montana. DG is a contemporary Indigenous painter and photographer who is best known for her boldly colored and beautifully rendered paintings of iconic Yellowstone wildlife. She is an artist-in-residence within both Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.
Host Kristin Kuhn (left) and DG House chat in the entryway of her Bozeman art studio. (Photo Emmy Reed/GYC)
In the colorful front room of her studio, surrounded by house plants and stacks of books, we discussed the role of art in our ecosystem, artists as conduits for bringing the natural world to others, and learn how ice hockey played a role in how her name came to be.
DG’s Art
“And At That Moment, Unplanned as it Was, I Became a Bronc Rider” (c) DG House 2021.
“Someday, When I Grow Up, I’ll be a War Pony Too” (c) DG House 2021
(c) DG House
“As it Captures Your Heart” (c) DG House 2021
Voices of Greater Yellowstone was created by the Greater Yellowstone Coalition, a conservation nonprofit dedicated to working with people to protect the lands, waters, and wildlife of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, now and for future generations.
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is the land of 49+ Indigenous Tribes who maintain current and ancestral connections to the lands, waters, wildlife, plants, and more.
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> DG House’s Website
Podcast Artwork > Rachel Dunlap Art
Music >
Redwood Trail by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
Thanks for listening in!
—Kristin Kuhn & Emmy Reed, GYC Communications