Take Action: Stop the Montana Legislature from Halving State’s Wolf Population

UPDATE: The comment period is now closed. We’ll keep you updated as other opportunities to speak up for wolves arise!

January 31, 2025

We did it! On January, 30, 2025, a bill that would have cut Montana’s wolf population in half bill died in the state Legislature! Thank you to all those who took action for Montana wolves, and thank you to the legislators that voted down the bill.

Yet, our work is not done. House Bill 176 is still moving through the House and also threatens to cut the Montana wolf population in half. If you are a Montana resident, contact your legislators today and tell them to oppose HB 176!

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In Montana, the 2025 Legislative Session is in full swing. Greater Yellowstone Coalition staff are tracking bills related to public lands, waters, and wildlife and are poised to take action to protect what we all hold dear. 

Urgently, we need Montana residents to oppose two bills that aim to cut the state’s wolf population in half.

These bills have passed out of the House of Representatives Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee and will be up for vote on the House floor as soon as Wednesday, Jan. 29. House Bills 176 (HB 176) and 222 (HB 222) threaten to cut Montana’s wolf population in half, the integrity of community-driven wildlife management, and the state’s ability to appropriately manage wolves. 

The current population estimate in Montana is around 1,100 wolves. These two bills would cut Montana’s wolf population by half.  

HB 176 

House Bill 176 would establish an unlimited gray wolf hunting quota when the wolf population reaches 550 or more.  

It mandates the governor-appointed Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission to issue multiple wolf licenses to applicants, allowing individuals to harvest an unlimited number of wolves during wolf hunting and trapping seasons. 

The bill would allow the use of bait for wolf hunting or trapping and allows hunting on private land outside of daylight hours using artificial light or night vision scopes.  

Additionally, the bill would direct the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission to set a statewide wolf quota rather than the science-based, community-led regional quota system they currently employ. 

HB 222 

House Bill 222 is even more extreme than HB 176. It would create an open, unlimited quota hunting season that “must continue” if the population is at or above 650 wolves. 

 Individuals would be able to harvest an unlimited number of wolves all year except May and June to avoid wolves giving birth – which was only included at the request of Fish, Wildlife & Parks that notably has come out in opposition to this bill. 

Yellowstone National Park’s Junction Butte Pack photographed from a fixed-wing during wolf study. Wolf management policy needs to be science-based, regionally tailored, and collaborative approaches and prioritize on-the-ground needs, public input, and long-term durability. (Photo NPS/Doug Smith)

Why We Oppose HB 176 and HB 222 

The bills’ target populations – 550 and 650 wolves – are arbitrary and not based on science. Setting an unsupported target not only threatens the long-term sustainability of wolf populations but also undermines the credibility of Montana’s wildlife management practices. A sustainable population must be determined by experts using sound science, not politically motivated whims.  

These bills adopt a broad-brush, statewide approach to wolf management rather than tailoring policies to reflect the varying wants and needs of Montana’s communities. Wolves and their interactions with ecosystems vary greatly across regions, and a one-size-fits-all strategy disregards local perspectives and on-the-ground conditions. 

Legislative interference in wildlife management sets a troubling precedent. Decisions regarding wildlife should remain in the hands of professional biologists and wildlife managers who can rely on science and community input to guide sustainable policies. Political involvement risks undermining public trust and the integrity of the management process. 

How to Speak up for Montana Wolves 

If you’re a Montana resident, you can speak up today for Montana wolves and tell your legislators you oppose House Bills 176 and 222. We’ve created an email you can customize and send here. When reaching out, we encourage you to be polite, customize your email, and keep your message concise. 

These bills are bad for wolves, and bad for Montana. 

Urge your legislators to advocate for science-based, regionally tailored, and collaborative approaches to wolf management that prioritize on-the-ground needs, public input, and long-term durability. 

If you’re not a Montana resident, please consider signing up for our email alerts with opportunities to take action for the lands, waters, and wildlife of this remarkable place. Thank you for your support!


Matt Cuzzocreo, Interim Wildlife Program Manager (Lander, Wyoming)


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