Blog and Stories
Advocating for Wolves in the Montana State Legislature
In the Montana Legislature, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition has been working with all of you to protect wolves. Since the start of the legislative session, more than 600 people have spoken up for Montana wolves – THANK YOU! We celebrate as one bad wolf bill dies in the House and continue to monitor two bills that threaten Montana’s wolf population.
Wildlife-Friendly Fences Make the Best Neighbors: GYC Helps Modify 16+ Miles of Fence in 2024
To be good neighbors and stewards of this ecosystem, the Greater Yellowstone Coalition is working in Montana and Wyoming to create wildlife-friendly fences. In 2024, GYC supported 11 fencing projects that removed or modified more than 16 miles of fence!
Bruins Protecting Bruins: GYC and Bear Awareness Gardiner Install Bear-Proof Trash Cans at Gardiner Public Schools
To prevent bears from coming onto campus and getting into garbage, GYC partnered with Bear Awareness Gardiner and Gardiner Public Schools to install bear-proof garbage containers on the school grounds. When used properly, bear-proof trash cans prevent bears from getting into garbage, which prevents them from getting in trouble and keeps them alive. It will also prevent close encounters with students, staff, and visitors.
When Bears Wake Up in Greater Yellowstone
When bears wake up in Greater Yellowstone, we know spring is on its way. This month, GYC celebrated the return of bears with a project to keep bears alive and people safe in Montana and hosted a film screening about grizzly bears in Idaho. We also have an upcoming event in Bozeman on May 2 that we hope you’ll attend.
The headwaters of the West: The foundation of a healthy Greater Yellowstone and beyond
Water is a defining, dynamic, and driving force in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The ecosystem’s wild rivers are so significant to its identity that Greater Yellowstone is often called “the headwaters of the West.” But what does it really mean to be “the headwaters of the West?”
Beholding bison: A day in Yellowstone
Red dogs – baby bison – are a sure sign of spring and arguably one of the cutest baby wildlife in Yellowstone. On top of being adorable, bison are also ecosystem engineers and help shape a healthier, more diverse, and resilient Yellowstone. Read about one staff member’s day in the park alongside these iconic creatures.
GYC Staff Picks | April 2023
GYC’s staff, dispersed across the region, know this firsthand and are excited to share some of their favorite things in this new blog series, GYC Staff Picks.
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem needs more than love—it needs conservation
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is remarkable and needs protection for generations to come. Hear the story of one team member’s journey to this special landscape and what compelled her to stay and make a difference.